EL-UHF-RC4 via RS232 dengan Raspberry Python untuk Active
Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Pico kita dapat mengambil hasil inventory Reader EL-UHF-RC4-2 dari interface Serial RS232-nya menggunakan Max3232.
Berikut beberapa barang yang diperlukan:
- Reader Electron EL-UHF-RC4-2
- Sudah di set work mode: Active Mode (baca: Jenis Work Mode UHF Reader), output interface RS232
- Raspberry Pi Pico (MicroPython)
- TTL Header Cable to RS232 Casing (Male)
- Dokumentasi protokol
Koneksi antar Pin
Adapun koneksi antar Pin seperti pada gambar berikut.
TTL Header Cable to RS232 Casing (Male) | Rasberry Pi Pico |
Yellow (1) - DCD | 3V3 (Out) |
Orange (2) - TXD | GP1 (UART0 - RX) |
Red (3) - RXD | GP0 (UART0 - TX) |
Brown (5) - GND | GND |
Kode dan Penjelasan
Penjelasan blok/tiap byte command/response dapat dilihat di dokumentasi protokol.
Kode dibawah ini dipisah menjadi 4 file:
- response.py: proses parsing penerimaan byte dari reader.
- utils.py: fungsi umum yang digunakan.
- main.py: file yang akan dijalankan Raspberry Pi Pico.
Jangan lupa upload dulu response.py
dan utils.py
ke Raspberry Pi Pico sebelum jalankan main.py
1. Response (response.py
from utils import hex_readable, calculate_checksum, calculate_rssi
class Tag:
def __init__(self, rssi: bytes, antenna: int, channel: int, data: bytes) ->
self.rssi: bytes = rssi
self.antenna: int = antenna
self.channel: int = channel
self.data: bytes = data
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'Tag(RSSI: {str(calculate_rssi(self.rssi))[0:3]},
data: {hex_readable(self.data)})'
class Response:
def __init__(self, response: bytes) -> None:
self.tag: Tag | None = None
header_section: bytes = response[0:5]
assert header_section[0] == 0xCF # Header must 0xCF
length: int = response[4]
self.command: bytes = header_section[2:4]
body_n_checksum_section: bytes = response[5: 4 + length + 2 + 1]
# length(N) + 2(checksum) + 1 (end of index)
self.status: int = body_n_checksum_section[0]
assert self.status == 0x00 # 0x00: Success (refer to Documentation)
body_section: bytes = body_n_checksum_section[1:-2]
checksum: bytes = response[-2:]
# Verify checksum
verify_checksum: bytearray = bytearray(header_section)
crc_msb, crc_lsb = calculate_checksum(verify_checksum)
assert checksum[0] == crc_msb and checksum[1] == crc_lsb
tag_length: int = body_section[4]
tag_data: bytes = body_section[5: tag_length + 5]
assert(tag_length == len(tag_data))
self.tag = Tag(rssi=body_section[0:2], antenna=body_section[2],
channel=body_section[3], data=body_section[5:])
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'Response(status: {self.status}, tag: {self.tag})'
2. Utility (utils.py
def hex_readable(data_bytes: bytes, separator: str = " ") -> str:
return separator.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in data_bytes)
def calculate_checksum(data: bytes) -> bytearray:
value = 0xFFFF
for d in data:
value ^= d
for _ in range(8):
value = (value >> 1) ^ 0x8408 if value & 0x0001 else (value >> 1)
crc_msb = value >> 0x08
crc_lsb = value & 0xFF
return bytearray([crc_msb, crc_lsb])
def calculate_rssi(rssi: bytes) -> int: # Python: `int.from_bytes(rssi, "big", signed=True)`
length: int = len(rssi)
if not length:
return 0
if rssi[0] & 0x80:
complemented = bytes(0xFF - x for x in rssi)
return -(int.from_bytes(complemented, 'big') + 1)
return int.from_bytes(rssi, 'big')
3. main.py
from machine import Pin, UART
from time import sleep
from response import Response
#pin_tx: Pin = Pin(0) # uart: UART = UART(0, baudrate=115_200, tx=pin_tx, rx=pin_rx)
pin_rx: Pin = Pin(1)
uart: UART = UART(0, baudrate=115_200, rx=pin_rx)
while True:
if not uart.any():
# Get first 5 bytes. Because the length of data is in the 5th index.
header_response: bytes = uart.read(5)
if len(header_response) < 5:
body_length: int = header_response[-1]
# + 2 for the checksum (2 bytes)
body_response: bytes = uart.read(body_length + 2)
raw_response: bytes = header_response + body_response
response: Response = Response(raw_response)
print(f'Response -> {response}')
Hasil setelah main.py
Response -> Response(status: 0, tag: Tag(RSSI: -38, data: 12 34 56 78 90 12 34 56 78 90 A0 01))
Response -> Response(status: 0, tag: Tag(RSSI: -37, data: 12 34 56 78 90 12 34 56 78 90 A0 01))
Response -> Response(status: 0, tag: Tag(RSSI: -40, data: 12 34 56 78 90 12 34 56 78 90 A0 01))
Response -> Response(status: 0, tag: Tag(RSSI: -42, data: 12 34 56 78 90 12 34 56 78 90 A0 01))
Cara atur work mode, dapat dilihat di video berikut:
UPDATE: Raspberry Pi Pico W - Inventory TCP/IP (Ethernet)
Port Ethernet reader terhubung ke router. Raspberry Pi Pico W terkoneksi via Wi-Fi.
3. main.py
from network import WLAN, STA_IF
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
from time import sleep
from response import Response
SSID: str = "MY_SSID"
READER_PORT: int = 2022
def connect() -> str:
wlan.connect(SSID, PASSWORD)
while wlan.isconnected() == False:
print('WLAN >> Waiting for connection...')
ip_address: str = wlan.ifconfig()[0]
return ip_address
ip_address: str = connect()
socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
# Get first 5 bytes. Because the length of data is in the 5th index.
header_response: bytes = socket.recv(5)
if len(header_response) < 5:
body_length: int = header_response[-1]
# + 2 for the checksum (2 bytes)
body_response: bytes = socket.recv(body_length + 2)
raw_response: bytes = header_response + body_response
response: Response = Response(raw_response)
print(f'Response -> {response}')